Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The critic and the exhibition

2Hello all,
just some updates.

online critics
The online critics are turning out to be trickier to arrange than I had anticipated! One that I had arranged from the design programme at Massey is away from work, I can only assume due to illness. The other, from the UK is keen but I am yet to get confirmation of his participation. I will let you all know how things go with this but it may be that we get some discussion of your projects after the exhibition, as you would with a final studio crit.

week 7 workshop
a reminder that this coming week Dr. Cris de Groot, of the Unitec Hothouse Project will be running a specialised workshop on collaborative practices. This is a great opportunity for you all to give your attention to what collaboration actually means, something that may be very valuable to you in your future practices. Some info on Cris and Hothouse at:
I know many of you want to discuss aspects of your project so after the workshop with Cris we can stay and have a group discussion about the exhibition ( I have more details on this now) and on your work

Italy trip students
We need to discuss how you all will proceed with your work for this course. Could we all meet on Tuesday afternoon at 3pm in my office (room 333)? Please let me know by email if you can make this time.


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