Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wednesday 13 August

Hello all,

my daughter is unwell today so I too am on sick leave to look after her.
My apologies for this. However, this does present an opportunity for you all to advance the research for your own mapping project, keeping in mind that next week you will be presenting your ideas to the rest of the class and to Sue Evans, Design Manager from Auckland City.

Some things you might consider, in light of this week's readings:
How will you procure your data? Will it be through reliable informed sources (Auckland City, Auckland Regional Council etc) or through your own data gathering processes? What role will this data collection play in your project? (The Cultural Probes text on research processes may be useful to think about).

How will you present your ideas to the class - a draft version? (A picture is worth a thousand words!!)

What visual language do you imagine your "map" will take? (Read Tufte and Abrams & Hall from this week's texts and check out some of the sites linked here).

I am looking forward to hearing about and seeing your propositions next week.


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